韓國首爾必買 | 戰利品篇 - 零食 (Seoul Snacks Haul)

因為戰利品一早被吃光光或者都送給朋友吃了,偏偏之前拍下的相片因為燈光不好,害我糾結了好長時間到底要不要出文。最後還是‧‧‧算了,打就打吧。 食物方面我買得不多,但還是想分開討論,我覺得買到的都是好物哈哈!以下這一堆零食通通都是有首爾站Lotte Mart購入的,詳見第三...


食物方面我買得不多,但還是想分開討論,我覺得買到的都是好物哈哈!以下這一堆零食通通都是有首爾站Lotte Mart購入的,詳見第三日行程(http://petitiff.blogspot.hk/2014/03/day-3-lotte-mart.html)。

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超級好吃!我一共買了四盒,原本打算只留一盒在家中吃,其他送人,怎料好吃得變成四有一盒送人(笑) 給我吃光光後還是直想找代購!這個對阿宅我長居家中對著電腦工作或者看電影時都是超好的零嘴 ~

Lotte Waffle
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This one is absolutely yummy, I have to give it a massive thumbs up! I have bought a total of four packs and planned to leave only one for myself. God knows how delicious it was, I ended up giving out only one pack for a really good friend. They were so good that I was even trying to look for custom purchase after finishing them. They are perfect snack when you have to stay in front of your laptop for quite a long time, either working or relaxing!

上:milk straw 牛奶飲管
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Top: Milk Straw
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This milk straw is available in many places, so there isn't anything special about it. I bought it since it appears to be very convenient when I need of a cup of chocolate or strawberry milk, which I usually do. What can I say? A gemini just happens to have all sort of weird ideas going on in their tiny little brain. Just remember not to use hot milk as it is going to cause rapid melting of chocolates inside the straw! 

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Bottom: Gummies
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Yummy and inexpensive, what else can you ask for?

Black Tea Latte
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Black Tea Latte
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I'm not exactly a big fan of sugary coffee but the packaging provides great convenience to those who need a cup of latte instantly!

Market O 芝士薯片
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Market O Cheese Chips
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This is my second-favourite snack from this Seoul Haul! It has got a really rich cheese flavor and was made with real potatoes! I wonder how can you resist haha~

A4 大小紫菜

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